Body Procedures

We provide multiple surgical options to rejuvenate or restore the body to its best possible form. Surgical procedures such as liposuction (+/- Renuvion), abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, thighplasty, and post-bariatric body contouring can all help to achieve one’s best physical form.


Our Procedures

Liposuction +/- Renuvion

Most people store fat preferentially in certain areas that seem to be insulated from the reach of diet and exercise. Women often accumulate fat in the thighs, arms, and abdomen. Men commonly store fat in the lower abdomen and flanks. Liposuction allows us to pursue fat removal in a focused manner such that the excess fat cannot hide. For some people where the skin has mild laxity, Renuvion is an effective adjunct for sharpening the result.


The abdominoplasty (commonly referred to as a “tummy-tuck”) allows us to correct for the persistent excess or striated (stretch-marked) skin in the lower abdomen that can be permanently present after pregnancy or weight loss. During abdominoplasty, the muscles of the abdominal wall (rectus abdominis) are typically also repositioned to correct for the diastasis (separation in the middle) of the muscles that usually occurs to varying degrees with carrying a child during pregnancy.

Brachioplasty (arm lift)

When a person is overweight, weight loss is usually supremely beneficial to one’s overall health. However, it can result in problematic loose and redundant skin. Surgery can eliminate the symptoms of excess skin and also restore the arms to an aesthetic shape.

Thighplasty (thigh lift)

Excessive redundant skin and fat upon the thighs, usually accompanying varying degrees of weight loss, can be corrected surgically to restore the aesthetic shape of the thighs and eliminate the problematic symptoms (e.g. fungal rashes, infections) of loose and redundant skin.

Post-bariatric body contouring

After weight loss surgery or substantial weight loss with diet and exercise, excessive loose and redundant skin can affect areas around the trunk or torso as well. Contouring surgery can be performed to remove the excess skin and re-establish an aesthetic shape. Multiple options are available and typically need to be adjusted to match each individual’s needs.

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